Customs & Logistics -

Project Information

  • Project Name : Construction WordPress Template
  • Category : Web Design
  • Client : Nazrul Islam
  • Complete Date : 30 October, 2021
  • Skills : Construction / Architecture

Customs & Logistics


International Trade Export Process


Understand the specific steps of the import trade process, and then in the process of purchasing goods, you will know which step is the main stuck and develop a better way to solve it.

Step 1    Confirm order, contract and delivery date

Confirm order: confirm the price and quantity of goods.

Confirm the contract: confirm the terms of the contract, the final shipment volume, the price of the goods, and the latest shipping schedule.


Step 2   Notify the domestic agent and contact the freight forwarder

Notify the domestic agent and contact the domestic freight forwarder to prepare customs clearance documents.

Customs clearance documents: B/L, invoices, packing lists, contracts, certificates of origin, quality inspection certificates, packaging statements, etc. (Documents need to be determined according to the specific product name, importing country, etc.)


Step 3  Customs clearance process

(1) Change the order: go to the freight forwarder or shipping company to change the D/O. (Use the bill of lading in your hand to determine where to change it.) H B/L Forwarder’s Bill of Lading M B/L Owner’s Bill of Lading)

(2) Electronic declaration: computer pre-recording, document review, sending, contact / release with customs.

(3) Inspection declaration: After the electronic declaration is released, go to the commodity inspection bureau to complete the quotation procedures with one of the four customs declaration forms, issue the customs clearance form or knock the three inspection seals.

(4) On-site handover order: Customs on-site handover order (please refer to the essence of this section for the required documents)

(5) Inspection: According to the supervision conditions of the name of the goods declared, the customs will give inspection and the probability of inspection on the same day, and if there is an inspection, it will issue an inspection notice.

(6) After the completion of customs clearance, it is released, and the customs release has the following steps: one release, issuance of inspection notice or two direct releases without inspection, after inspection, release and transportation after sealing.